Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sat Oct 25 2008

Notes for our Blogmasters' Halloween Edition:

Today everyone came in Halloween costumes and brought treats. BUDO & Lillia had some great Monster Mash music - so the place was hopping! 

Max came as Indiana Jones - complete with whip! 
Andrew came as a Russian Zhar - he was a page right off Siberia! 
Marie did a quick transformation into Super Girl ( & oops -got locked in the Dark Room) Karla came to the rescue of Super Girl! thanks K.
 Jills came as a fair damsel with curls & a beautiful long velvet dangley sleeved dress - (Lizzy-cat likes to attack). 
Eduardo was his favorite funny guy Mr. Bean.
Katie was our HSM3 heroine Sharpe.
 Steven was a vampire... who can boogie down- Go Count Steven.
Dylan was a stylin' gangstah - look out.
Benni- as sleek black cat - meow- scratch- hiss

All the others came dressed as a bunch of slackers ie: themselves! LOL.

We started with Jills doing the fall-in (BTW that's cop talk :fall-in is when all the cops get together and gab about what's going to happen).  
Everyone checked out ok - lots of laughs, Mary, Lilia, Sarom, Marco & Sherry Lynn were back. Carrie is in like a dirty shirt. 

Carla took over the photo studio today for Mills- see all her cool pictures - Blogmaster:jillswtfashion uploaded them all today see below. Mills chill-laxed on the poofpoof and ate snacks. Everyone else did some stencils on their t-shirts and par-teed. Gweee took a lot of documentary pics.
Thanks gwee & everyone - BFFs always come to the rescue & bring GOOD TIMES!